Decoding The Recovery Process For A Deleted Facebook Page

One of the common trends that we have seen on Facebook is deleting accounts and pages. While sitting with my friends we were talking about all the multiple accounts that many people have. Well, the worst part was that I myself had the situation wherein my account was deleted by the company. I panicked, to be honest, and I started looking for ways how to restore a deleted Facebook account. Through this guide, I will share my experience as well as the process that I went through to restore my account.

Understanding the reasons behind the deletion of a Facebook account

In my understanding, Facebook has certain rules and regulations as well as strict policies when it comes to user accounts. In this section, I’m going to highlight some important reasons why Facebook may delete an account.

Fake account or page

Many people have a tendency to create fake accounts and pages. If the company feels that your account or page is a fake one they will automatically delete the account on the platform.


Another reason why the account has been deleted could be due to misrepresentation. This is in the case when there is an account that is either impersonating a business or a person. Facebook does not accept this kind of behavior and thus end up deleting an account,

Cover photo

Facebook has certain acceptable standards and rules and regulations regarding the cover photo of your profile. These rules tend to change from time to time so it is always advisable to stay updated about the changes. Make sure that your profile pic does not have text more than 20% of the image.


It is a very common thing to see facebook competitions. However, you have to ensure that you plan it properly keeping in mind the rules and regulations that the platform has set. This will help to ensure that your account does not get deleted.

Content copyright issues

Posting anything offensive is another reason why your account can get deleted. This can also happen if someone has reported your account to the concerned team of Facebook. They can even make the page disappear if the company feels that it is not as per the standards set.

The recovery process for a deleted Facebook page

In case your page is deleted or disabled you may have issues recovering it. Facebook has strict policies on this front but nonetheless, you can still try out the recovery process that is mentioned below

  • First, you need to log on to your Facebook account and go to the Help Centre section.
  • You then need to look out for the option that states Pages which is located on the left-hand side of the screen under the menu options.
  • Once you click on the page front, you will be taken to a form wherein you can report the issue you are facing.

Note while reporting deleted Facebook page

In this form, you need to exactly let the company know the issues that you are facing. It is also advisable to copy-paste the URL of your page. Once you have completed and filled in all the details you can then click on the SEND option.

This process is beneficial especially if your Facebook page has been deleted by mistake. There is a certain time frame wherein you can recover your page. You would have to wait for a while before you can a reply or response from Facebook.

Safeguarding your page from becoming a deleted Facebook page

As much as it can be a concern when you have to go through the process of a deleted Facebook page, you can still safeguard your page. To avoid running into trouble, I would personally advise that you read through the rules and regulations on this front. Nonetheless, here is a summarized version of how to avoid your page from being deleted.  So here are a few things to remember

Running competitions

It is not an easy task to run a competition on Facebook keeping in mind the various rules and regulations. If you are planning to host a competition, you have to ensure that you abide by the rules so that you do not run into trouble. A safe way to do that will be to run the competition through your blog or website and then share the link on Facebook.

To avoid the case of a deleted Facebook page situation, add a disclaimer letting people know that Facebook has not sponsored or is a part of this competition.

Have multiple sources

Do not rely on just one platform while promoting the official page of your company. You can also go ahead and use other platforms to promote your business. This way you will avoid the deleted Facebook page issue and still be able to target the right crowd.

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