Get Best Results For Your Brand Using Facebook Insight Tools

Having a huge audience for a brand has become imperative in today’s time since social media has changed massively in recent times. To excel here, your brand needs to offer something that interests the audience. If your brand is not doing it then, your brand will not grow. It is very important to have an organic reach and a good interaction with the audience. This can be done with the help of facebook insight tools.

First, let us know what are facebook insights.

Facebook insight tools are analytics tool that helps Facebook in knowing more about the brand’s page fans and posts. With the help of this tool, you can learn your brand’s performance as it tracks the number of likes, reaches, and page views.

You will get to know the following things:

  • Which posts are able to get engagement
  • Growth of fan page
  • An audience that is seeing your content

With the help of Facebook page analytics, you will come to know what is an ideal time to post, which type of content is liked most, etc.

This article will explain to you about facebook insight tools and how to use this tool. Your brand should use it regularly.

How to go to Facebook Insight tools?

Log onto facebook and opt for ‘insights’ at the top side. While accessing this tab, you will find insights that are divided into fifteen tabs. As per your goals, you will look for some options that are most useful for your brand.

Let us know about some of the facebook insight tools in detail:

  • Actions on page: This will tell you how many clicks on the contact info on facebook. Then, you will see people who have viewed and liked the page. Then, you will see how many of them have seen the post and people who are engaged with the posts.
  • Facebook Likes: This section will tell you the page’s status.
  • Page likes: You can see a rise and fall in the number of likes daily.
  • Net likes: You can see both organic and paid likes
  • Where page likes occur: the number of likes can occur when people come to the page, but it can happen at other places also.
  • Post reach: This tab will tell you how many unique people have seen your posts for a certain period of time. This includes both paid and organic reach.

Clicking on any section of the graph will tell you detail of posts that have shown reach.

  • Hide, Unlikes and Report as spam: If the audience, marks the content as spam then you need to be careful. In case if it happens often, you might get a penalty from Facebook.
  • Comments, shares, and reactions: See the trends in terms of comments, reactions, and shares on the posts. Now, see the posts that are similar to the trends.
  • Total reach: This tab will tell you the post’s reach and any piece of content that was mentioned on the page and made visible to the fans, such as mentions, check-ins, and page-like.
  • Engagement: This will tell you who is viewing your content, the type of posts that are viewed depending on the average reach, highest posts of the pages. This will tell you in knowing how the competitors are handling the audience.
  • Followers: Here you can see total followers and Net followers.

Net followers are used to showing a number of followers that excludes the number of unfollows in the past 7 or 28 days.

With this, you will also know the performance of the page in the context of whether you are losing or getting more followers.

  • Pageviews analytics: These will tell you about these:
  • Section and Page views: This will show you a number of times and other tabs are visited on the Facebook page. Usually, fans do not revisit the page once they are fans. You can only see the notification in the news feed.
  • The total number of people who have viewed: You will be able to see page viewers divided by age, country, and gender.
  • Top sources: This tab will show the number of visits to the page that is guided by other websites. It will be shown on facebook pages other than the website.

How to Use Facebook Insight Tools?

There are certain tricks to use facebook insight tools that will give you the best result:

  • Facebook insight tools are always changing which is why you must pay attention to them
  • Make a schedule of the post when you can see the audience
  • Look for a Facebook URL that gives you easy access to the brand
  • Try to reach out to the target audience who can connect to the brand


Facebook insight tools is an effective and result-driven tool that any brand should not ignore. It offers a huge number of data that can enhance the brand’s performance.

This is helpful in improving your facebook strategy.

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