Effective Ways On How To Advertise A Business On Facebook

I have tried various online advertising methods and techniques to promote my business. Advertising on Facebook is one such method that I use regularly to capture my target audience. With a lot of trial and error and endless strategies I finally got to understand how to advertise a business on facebook effectively. Today, in this guide I will share with you how to use the different types of Facebook Ads as a part of my Facebook marketing strategy.

Using Image ads

Image Ads was the starting point of my journey on how to advertise a business on facebook. With a few clicks, I created simple ads and took the help of the boost image post to reach out to the masses. The one thing that I would like to highlight is that while using images make sure you select interesting and captivating ones.

Video Ads

As compared to Image ads, video ads also known as in-stream ads can be shared in many ways. Apart from posting it on your page or profile, you can also share them as stories or news feeds. Through video ads, you can give a lot of information about your product or service. You also have the flexibility to provide a quick demo or short tutorials. To capture your audience, you can also create animated or GIF-like graphics.

Video Poll Ads

If you want to take your Facebook advertising a step higher then you can consider Video Poll Ads. Not only do these ads help to spread the word across, but you can also take a poll for better understanding. Video Poll Ads is not only the latest addition on the platform, but it is also a popular method used when people are looking at how to advertise a business on facebook.

Carousel Ads

Carousel Ads allow you to use 10 videos or images about your services and products. This is a very useful way how to advertise a business on facebook since you can showcase all the features of the product or service. It is also a great way to build your brand or company name.

Slideshow Ads

Slideshows have always been one of the most popular methods to make or give a presentation. On Facebook, you have the flexibility to create Slideshow Video Ads by combining videos, texts, and photos. These ads do not require high-speed internet and can be appealing as well. This is one of the easiest ways how to advertise a business on facebook.

Collection Ads

Another form of paid advertising option on Facebook is Collection ads that are perfect for mobile devices. Through these ads, you can provide the necessary link of the product or service in question along with showcasing at least 5 products or services at one time. Another benefit of such ads is that a person does not have to log off from their Facebook account and can still shop online.

Instant Experience Ads

Also known as Canvas Ads, Instant Experience Ads often appear as full-screen ads. The loading time of these ads is faster than a website that is loading on a mobile device. If you are looking at how to advertise a business on facebook in a full-screen format, then this would be the right option for you.

Lead Ads

Lead Ads is a format that is available only on mobile devices. Through these ads, you can also build your database since people have to provide certain information. You can also offer newsletter subscriptions through Lead Ads so that people can try your product or service. It also helps you to address any questions or queries that may come your way.

Dynamic Ads

Dynamic Ads are the best solution on how to advertise a business on facebook. You will easily be able to target the right audience and at the same time get them to purchase something from your side. Just in case there is a product left in their shopping cart then they will also be notified about it. It is also one of the important elements to keep in mind while strategizing your Facebook Marketing technique.

Messenger Ads

Messenger Ads are very similar to SMS ads, the only difference is here you run you add through Facebook Messenger. Through this method, you can reach out to the masses as well as provide a chat option feature while running these ads in the Newsfeed. These ads have a call-to-action option that allows the user to connect to you or your business page directly.

Playable Ads

Playable Ads is perfect if you want to offer a hands-on experience to your customers before they opt for the final product. It is also one of the most interactive ways how to advertise a business on facebook. Through these sorts of ads, you can keep your audiences engaged and attract them towards you.

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