A Mini Guide To – What’s Facebook Jail

Facebook is without a doubt one of the best social media platforms in today’s time. It offers various kinds of services, facilities, and features for its users. But, as good as this platform is, there are certain things that can keep you wondering- What’s next? Well, I would like to share with you one such incident that took place with me recently. Now, to my despair, I didn’t know what was happening as my account had been Facebook Jailed. So, what’s facebook jail, and what really happens when your account is under this zone? Read on to find out

Understanding what’s facebook jail

When a user or an account violates the Facebook Community Standards, the account goes into suspension or restricted mode which is known as Facebook Jail. This suspension or restriction can last for a specific time and during this time you cannot post anything. The various reasons behind this situation include logging in from unknown devices, suspicious activities or behavior, your account has been reported by someone, or if you have violated the company’s policies.

Reasons why you can enter a Facebook Jail mode

Facebook jail is a security measure that the company takes to remove or prevent extremism or hate through the platform. This feature was introduced in September 2019 as the company was tightening its security measures and regulations. The main aim of this concept is to ensure that apart from the privacy and safety of the users, people also promote and maintain dignity and authenticity. So, to answer the question – what’s facebook jail? It is a security measure that encourages users to maintain a certain decorum while using the platform.

How to avoid FB jail?

Now that understand the term facebook jail, the next thing that we look into is how to avoid this situation. There is a fine line between what we feel is right and what is actually acceptable with the company. Unfortunately, we can never say when we cross that line and violate a Facebook policy that can land us into the Facebook Jail mode. As they say – Prevention is better than cure. In this section, I will provide a few tips and guidance on how to prevent getting into Facebook Jail.

  • Firstly, avoid unnecessary promotion of any service or product
  • Do not get into spamming activities like posting the same content multiple times
  • Avoid making or running a fake account on Facebook
  • Do not misrepresent the facts or provide false information
  • Do not encourage or promote inequality, racism, hate, or anything that can discriminate against someone
  • Prevent yourself from reacting to situations wherein you end up threatening someone
  • Watch your behavior as someone can report you for abusive behavior

Any activity that is against the Facebook community standards can lead to Facebook Jail. This is why I personally would advise you to read the Community standards for a better understanding. Keep yourself updated whenever there is a change in policies or if there is anything new introduced.

How to understand if your account is under Facebook Jail mode?

The thing I want to cover under what’s facebook jail is – how to identify if my account is in Facebook Jail? Generally, Facebook sends us various kinds of notifications and alerts regarding our account. However, when there is a restriction on your account, you will receive no such notification or indication. The only way you will get to know about this situation is

  • You cannot post on groups, pages, or even on your own timeline
  • When you are restricted to react to posts or restricted from posting anything.
  • During Facebook Jail you will not be able to comment on any post
  • You may also have problems accessing your account or page

 Whenever you try to post anything, you will receive a pop-up window stating – You can’t post right now.

Duration of being under Facebook Jail node

While I was under the Facebook Jail mode, I questioned myself – what’s facebook jail and how long does it last? To understand this better I went on to the Facebook Help Center to see the Commonly asked questions on this front. I got to know that a person can be banned from posting either

  • Temporary basis

One of the most commonly asked questions is –what’s facebook jail on temporary blocking? This is a situation wherein your account is restricted or blocked from posting anything from a few hours to a matter of days. Once the timeframe is completed, your account is restored back to normal and you can use your account like earlier.

  • Permanent basis

Facebook also has the ability to put you under the Facebook Jail mode on a permanent basis. If you are wondering what’s facebook jail on a permanent basis, it means that your account is banned or disabled permanently and you lose your profile forever. In this situation cannot request a reactivation. You would need to create a new account with a new e-mail address.

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