A Mini Guide To Facebook Video Cover Photo

I am always amazed about how Facebook works so hard to retain its users. This social media giant has practically everything under one roof. Every day I keep on learning something new which keeps me motivated to know about the platform. The one thing that I have understood is that we really do not know much about the platform. There is so much in store and if we use all the tools wisely, we can actually turn things around for us. One of the latest things that I learned was about the facebook video cover photo. I instantly decided that I wanted to share this information with my readers because I personally felt that it will help everyone out. So, let me you through this feature and give you a brief understanding of how you can use this personally and professionally.

What is facebook video cover photo?

Before I get into details, let me first let you a bit about the video cover photo. This is an image that is similar to a banner and it is bold and big. The cover photo takes at least one-quarter of the screen along with the brand headline to attract new customers. The video cover photo is the first thing that people see. This is why it becomes essential that you should choose one that creates the right impact.

How can a facebook video cover photo help you achieve your goals?

As mentioned above, a video cover is the first thing that people notice when they land on your Facebook page. Let us look at how a video cover can benefit your business.

  • It will help to keep your customers engaged
  • It helps to boost website traffic
  • A video cover can help create brand awareness
  • You can showcase your products and services
  • Helps you to get more likes and attention

Factors to consider while choosing a facebook video cover photo

While designing a video cover photo you have to keep in mind various factors. We all know that the first impression is the last. The various things that you would need to consider would include

  • Subscriber and customer demographics
  • Finding a way to relatable link between your customers and your cover image
  • The cover image should be a representation of your subscribers and customer-centric groups
  • It should be an engaging, powerful, and interactive tool

The different components and types of facebook video cover photo

Now that you know the various factors that you need to consider, we will now look at the different components and types of video cover photos. Although it is your choice what image you would like to choose, however, I would recommend using the following types and components with your cover photo.

  • Hashtags and Text

Using hashtags and texts is one of the essential components that you need to think about. Make sure that the content is short and crisp. While choosing hashtags, look out for a blend of trending and medium trending tags.

  • Relevance

Choosing content is easy but choosing relevant content is difficult. I personally mold my content according to the interest of my audiences. I spend time thinking about how to link my product along with the audience’s interest so that I come up with the right line.

  • Emotions

If you want to attract protentional clients you need to understand the emotional quotient of your audience. People are attracted to things that they can feel. When you work on the cover photo in the right way, you will easily be able to attract people effortlessly. It will also be a motivational factor for them to take action instantly.

  • Typography

Emotions, images, captions, hashtags all this is fine, I mean they are important but what good is all this if you cannot get the message across clearly? This is where typography comes into the picture. Choosing the right font and its size, color, and other such minor elements is very important. This is the only way that you can be able to send out the right message effectively.

Guidelines to keep in mind while creating a facebook video cover photo

Now that you have a brief idea about facebook video cover photos let us look at the guidelines set by Facebook. For smartphones, the image has to be 360 pixels in height and 640 pixels in width. On the other hand, for computers, it should be 312 pixels in height and 820 pixels in width.

We all know that images look very different on mobile and computer screens. For example, on computers, the images look more rectangular and larger whereas in the mobile it is more towards the square shape.

To eliminate these differences, Facebook recommends that the size of the image should be 820 pixels x 462 pixels. This way it can be used on both platforms and you do not have to waste too much time and resources.

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