Using The Facebook 80 20 Rule As A Part Of Marketing Strategy

There are many reasons why Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. Everyday millions of people use it for their official and personal purposes. I for one use this platform for my professional and personal reasons and I always find it very helpful. While working on my Facebook marketing strategy, I came across a new concept (at least for me it was new) that I found very interesting and useful. Today, through this guide I will be sharing some light about facebook 80 20 rule.

What is the facebook 80 20 rule?

Before I start with the benefits of this rule, let me first explain what it is all about. Earlier Facebook used to penalize ads that had more texts on them. Now, this rule is no longer enforced. Nevertheless, Facebook still suggests that it is advisable to use limited text on image ads.

How to use the facebook 80 20 rule?

I decided to try out the facebook 80 20 rule as a marketing strategy and found it to be helpful. So, let’s move on to understand how to use this rule to stay ahead of your competition.

  • Defining goals

We all are aware that a good marketing strategy falls in place when you set clear and defined goals. I personally take time while setting goals so that I know that I can work on them easily. I make sure that the goals I set are achievable by mixing short-term and long-term goals. You can use Facebook to achieve all your short-term goals with the right marketing strategy.

  • Understand and select your target audience

I always keep my target audience in mind when I’m working on my facebook marketing strategies. On this front, the facebook 80 20 rule really helps me out. I work on this concept wherein I upload posts that are 80% educational, entertaining and informative while using only 20% to promote my business. Do not focus too much on targeting sales instead catch the attention of potential clients.

  • Create engaging content with facebook 80 20 rule

Once you understand the kind of audience you need, finalizing the content is the next step. While creating content make sure that you use the right kind of images that can capture anybody’s attention. You can also choose to go for videos or live videos to build the connection between you and your customers.

  • Work on how to schedule your posts

I personally like to do proper research before I go all in. Even when it comes to my Facebook marketing strategy, I first do a couple of trial runs to understand when it is the right time to grab the most amount of attention. I would recommend that you try posting at different times during the week. This will help you to understand when the right time and the most effective day would be to schedule your content.

  • Scheduling when to upload your posts

Now that you have clarity about how your posts should be, the next thing I would like to focus on is scheduling your posts. In order to keep your audience engaged you to need to ensure that keep on posting regularly. The more active your page or posts are, the better it is for an effective Facebook marketing strategy.

How to create the facebook 80 20 rule strategy for Facebook Ads?

For better exposure and branding I use the 80 20 rule along with Facebook Ads. Although it takes effort to work on the ads it helps me to reach out to the masses. With paid Facebook Ads I get to target the right audience and this helps me to achieve my goals with positive results. This method helps me to improve my business branding. If you are on a budget and cannot afford paid Facebook Ads then you can try out Facebook Pixel. To create the 80 20 rule strategy for Facebook Ads you would need to

  • Create a Facebook Group

Creating a Facebook Group is effective when you make a part of your Facebook marketing strategy. Having a Facebook Group will help you to personalize your approach as you can communicate better with present and potential clients. You can need to put in proper efforts and spend some time on this front but it is worth it. I personally have seen good results with this method.

  • Improve, Analyze and Track

To get the maximum benefit of the 80 20 rule, I also make it a point to improve, analyze and track my strategy from time to time. This helps to understand what kind of changes I would need to make. By reworking my strategies at the right time I get to see the results that I want. I would recommend that you also do the same. You will see significant results when you work on it the right way.

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