How To Recover A Yahoo Account Using An Alternate Email Address Or Phone Number?

I must admit it, I have had my shares of scratching my head trying to remember what my account password is. I hate such moments as I end up typing all the passwords that I can possibly remember. To be honest, it is not only time-consuming but it does get frustrating as well. If you are in the same situation that I have faced, all I can say is – Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all go through something like this at one point in our lives. Recovering a password is no rocket science. In this guide, ill will show you the easy process of recovering a yahoo account within no time. But first, let me take you through some tips that you need to remember before recovering your yahoo account.

Tips to remember while you recover a yahoo account

In this section, I want to cover something really important that you should keep into consideration. Now, before you go ahead and try to reset the Yahoo account password, you have to make sure you do some important checks. They are as follows

  1. Check the internet connection to confirm that it is active stable and fast. If you have been facing internet-related issues, then troubleshoot them accordingly.
  2. Disable any firewalls, add-ons, or any other plug-ins that can cause problems for you while you try to recover your yahoo account.
  3. While typing the new password, make sure you choose something that is strong but easy to remember.
  4. Make sure that you have access to the alternative email or phone number to complete the verification process. If you do not have access to any of the two, then you can always try out the other ways to recover the yahoo email account.

How to recover a yahoo account if it is hacked?

  • Log on to and click on the Sign-in option located in the top-right corner of the screen.
  • Type the user name or email address and select Forgot password option located under the Password box. Make sure that the email address or username that you provide belongs to an active email account.
  • Choose the recovery phone number provided at the time of registration to proceed further with the recovery process. Just in case you have to change the number, then make sure that you update it as well.
  • Provide the last two digits of the mobile number as a part of the verification process to recover a yahoo account and then select – Submit
  • You will receive a verification code on the number you have provided to recover a yahoo account.
  • Provide the code on the given space after which you will be able to set a new password to recover a yahoo account.
  • After entering and reentering the new password go back to the log-in page and then sign in to your account.

The above-mentioned steps will not only help you to recover a yahoo account but will also allow you to regain control of your email account.

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